0.1 Data Structures The three tables

  • There are 3 tables in bioinformatics: the gene expression matrix, sample descriptions and gene annotation
  • ExpressionSet objects and SummarizedExperiment objects are data structures that store these 3 tables all in one place. This ensures consistency.
  • Also, some functions in Bioconductor only operate on objects of specific type/class
The 3 tables in Bioinformatics

The 3 tables in Bioinformatics The ExpressionSet Objects

  • Used to store continuous measurments such as microarray data
  • Use exprs() to extract the gene expression matrix. The rows in the matrix represent genes and the columns are the samples
  • pData() returns phenotype data i.e. the sample description table . You can extract each column in the sample description table using the usual $ that you would use to subset a data frame
  • fData() stands for feature data and returns the annotation of the genes in the gene expression matrix
  • See ?ExpressionSet if you want to create your own ExpressionSet object
## Loading required package: BiocGenerics
## Loading required package: methods
## Loading required package: parallel
## Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':
##     clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
##     clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
##     parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     IQR, mad, xtabs
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     anyDuplicated, append, as.data.frame, cbind, colnames,
##     do.call, duplicated, eval, evalq, Filter, Find, get, grep,
##     grepl, intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, lengths, Map, mapply,
##     match, mget, order, paste, pmax, pmax.int, pmin, pmin.int,
##     Position, rank, rbind, Reduce, rownames, sapply, setdiff,
##     sort, table, tapply, union, unique, unsplit, which, which.max,
##     which.min
## Welcome to Bioconductor
##     Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
##     'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
##     'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.
library(hgu95av2.db) # probe annotation for the Affymatrix chip
## Loading required package: AnnotationDbi
## Loading required package: stats4
## Loading required package: IRanges
## Loading required package: S4Vectors
## Attaching package: 'S4Vectors'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     colMeans, colSums, expand.grid, rowMeans, rowSums
## Loading required package: org.Hs.eg.db
# or install the packages if you already haven't

# source("http://www.bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")
# biocLite(c("Biobase", "ALL", "hgu95av2.db"))

## ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
## assayData: 12625 features, 128 samples 
##   element names: exprs 
## protocolData: none
## phenoData
##   sampleNames: 01005 01010 ... LAL4 (128 total)
##   varLabels: cod diagnosis ... date last seen (21 total)
##   varMetadata: labelDescription
## featureData: none
## experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
##   pubMedIds: 14684422 16243790 
## Annotation: hgu95av2
# help documentation for ALL data
# ?ALL
## Experiment data
##   Experimenter name: Chiaretti et al. 
##   Laboratory: Department of Medical Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA. 
##   Contact information:  
##   Title: Gene expression profile of adult T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia identifies distinct subsets of patients with different response to therapy and survival. 
##   URL:  
##   PMIDs: 14684422 16243790 
##   Abstract: A 187 word abstract is available. Use 'abstract' method.
# extract/explore the gene expression matrix
exprs(ALL)[1:4, 1:4]
##              01005    01010    03002    04006
## 1000_at   7.597323 7.479445 7.567593 7.384684
## 1001_at   5.046194 4.932537 4.799294 4.922627
## 1002_f_at 3.900466 4.208155 3.886169 4.206798
## 1003_s_at 5.903856 6.169024 5.860459 6.116890
## [1] "01005" "01010" "03002" "04006" "04007" "04008"
## [1] "1000_at"   "1001_at"   "1002_f_at" "1003_s_at" "1004_at"   "1005_at"
# get the phenotype/sample data table
##        cod diagnosis sex age BT remission CR   date.cr t(4;11) t(9;22)
## 01005 1005 5/21/1997   M  53 B2        CR CR  8/6/1997   FALSE    TRUE
## 01010 1010 3/29/2000   M  19 B2        CR CR 6/27/2000   FALSE   FALSE
## 03002 3002 6/24/1998   F  52 B4        CR CR 8/17/1998      NA      NA
## 04006 4006 7/17/1997   M  38 B1        CR CR  9/8/1997    TRUE   FALSE
## 04007 4007 7/22/1997   M  57 B2        CR CR 9/17/1997   FALSE   FALSE
## 04008 4008 7/30/1997   M  17 B1        CR CR 9/27/1997   FALSE   FALSE
##       cyto.normal        citog mol.biol fusion protein mdr   kinet   ccr
## 01005       FALSE      t(9;22)  BCR/ABL           p210 NEG dyploid FALSE
## 01010       FALSE  simple alt.      NEG           <NA> POS dyploid FALSE
## 03002          NA         <NA>  BCR/ABL           p190 NEG dyploid FALSE
## 04006       FALSE      t(4;11) ALL1/AF4           <NA> NEG dyploid FALSE
## 04007       FALSE      del(6q)      NEG           <NA> NEG dyploid FALSE
## 04008       FALSE complex alt.      NEG           <NA> NEG hyperd. FALSE
##       relapse transplant               f.u date last seen
## 01005   FALSE       TRUE BMT / DEATH IN CR           <NA>
## 01010    TRUE      FALSE               REL      8/28/2000
## 03002    TRUE      FALSE               REL     10/15/1999
## 04006    TRUE      FALSE               REL      1/23/1998
## 04007    TRUE      FALSE               REL      11/4/1997
## 04008    TRUE      FALSE               REL     12/15/1997
## [1] M M F M M M
## Levels: F M
## [1] M M F M M M
## Levels: F M
# subsetting
## ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
## assayData: 12625 features, 5 samples 
##   element names: exprs 
## protocolData: none
## phenoData
##   sampleNames: 01005 01010 ... 04007 (5 total)
##   varLabels: cod diagnosis ... date last seen (21 total)
##   varMetadata: labelDescription
## featureData: none
## experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
##   pubMedIds: 14684422 16243790 
## Annotation: hgu95av2
## ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
## assayData: 10 features, 128 samples 
##   element names: exprs 
## protocolData: none
## phenoData
##   sampleNames: 01005 01010 ... LAL4 (128 total)
##   varLabels: cod diagnosis ... date last seen (21 total)
##   varMetadata: labelDescription
## featureData: none
## experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
##   pubMedIds: 14684422 16243790 
## Annotation: hgu95av2
ALL[, c(3,2,1)]
## ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
## assayData: 12625 features, 3 samples 
##   element names: exprs 
## protocolData: none
## phenoData
##   sampleNames: 03002 01010 01005
##   varLabels: cod diagnosis ... date last seen (21 total)
##   varMetadata: labelDescription
## featureData: none
## experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
##   pubMedIds: 14684422 16243790 
## Annotation: hgu95av2
## [1] M M F
## Levels: F M
# the gene annotation data
## data frame with 0 columns and 6 rows
# find the Entrez IDs for the probes in the chip

ids <- featureNames(ALL)[1:5]
## [1] "1000_at"   "1001_at"   "1002_f_at" "1003_s_at" "1004_at"
## $`1000_at`
## [1] "5595"
## $`1001_at`
## [1] "7075"
## $`1002_f_at`
## [1] "1557"
## $`1003_s_at`
## [1] "643"
## $`1004_at`
## [1] "643" RangedSummarizedExperiment Objects

  • Used to store count data such as RNA-Seq (but also ChIP-Seq)
  • assays() returns the count matrix. Rows are genes, columns are samples
  • Use colData() to get the sample descriptions and rowData() to retrieve gene annotation
  • You can extract each column in the sample description table using the usual $ that you would use to subset a data frame
  • unlike an ExpressionSet object you can store more than one count matrix in a RangedSummarizedExperiment object (e.g. you can keep both gene expression measures and methylation measures in one object). Use assayNames() to see the names of count matrices stored in the object.
  • You can also get the genomic coordinates of the features in the count matrix using rowRanges(). This returns a GRangesList or a GRangesobject
  • See ?SummarizedExperiment if you want to create your own SummarizedExperiment object
## Loading required package: GenomicRanges
## Loading required package: GenomeInfoDb

# or install using biocLite()
# source("http://www.bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")
# biocLite(c("SummarizedExperiment", "GenomicRanges", "airway"))

## class: RangedSummarizedExperiment 
## dim: 64102 8 
## metadata(1): ''
## assays(1): counts
## rownames(64102): ENSG00000000003 ENSG00000000005 ... LRG_98 LRG_99
## rowData names(0):
## colnames(8): SRR1039508 SRR1039509 ... SRR1039520 SRR1039521
## colData names(9): SampleName cell ... Sample BioSample
# what assays/count matrices are available
## [1] "counts"
# extract the count data
head(assay(airway, "counts")) 
##                 SRR1039508 SRR1039509 SRR1039512 SRR1039513 SRR1039516
## ENSG00000000003        679        448        873        408       1138
## ENSG00000000005          0          0          0          0          0
## ENSG00000000419        467        515        621        365        587
## ENSG00000000457        260        211        263        164        245
## ENSG00000000460         60         55         40         35         78
## ENSG00000000938          0          0          2          0          1
##                 SRR1039517 SRR1039520 SRR1039521
## ENSG00000000003       1047        770        572
## ENSG00000000005          0          0          0
## ENSG00000000419        799        417        508
## ENSG00000000457        331        233        229
## ENSG00000000460         63         76         60
## ENSG00000000938          0          0          0
##                 SRR1039508 SRR1039509 SRR1039512 SRR1039513 SRR1039516
## ENSG00000000003        679        448        873        408       1138
## ENSG00000000005          0          0          0          0          0
## ENSG00000000419        467        515        621        365        587
## ENSG00000000457        260        211        263        164        245
## ENSG00000000460         60         55         40         35         78
## ENSG00000000938          0          0          2          0          1
##                 SRR1039517 SRR1039520 SRR1039521
## ENSG00000000003       1047        770        572
## ENSG00000000005          0          0          0
## ENSG00000000419        799        417        508
## ENSG00000000457        331        233        229
## ENSG00000000460         63         76         60
## ENSG00000000938          0          0          0
## [1] 64102     8
# the sample information table
## DataFrame with 6 rows and 9 columns
##            SampleName     cell      dex    albut        Run avgLength
##              <factor> <factor> <factor> <factor>   <factor> <integer>
## SRR1039508 GSM1275862   N61311    untrt    untrt SRR1039508       126
## SRR1039509 GSM1275863   N61311      trt    untrt SRR1039509       126
## SRR1039512 GSM1275866  N052611    untrt    untrt SRR1039512       126
## SRR1039513 GSM1275867  N052611      trt    untrt SRR1039513        87
## SRR1039516 GSM1275870  N080611    untrt    untrt SRR1039516       120
## SRR1039517 GSM1275871  N080611      trt    untrt SRR1039517       126
##            Experiment    Sample    BioSample
##              <factor>  <factor>     <factor>
## SRR1039508  SRX384345 SRS508568 SAMN02422669
## SRR1039509  SRX384346 SRS508567 SAMN02422675
## SRR1039512  SRX384349 SRS508571 SAMN02422678
## SRR1039513  SRX384350 SRS508572 SAMN02422670
## SRR1039516  SRX384353 SRS508575 SAMN02422682
## SRR1039517  SRX384354 SRS508576 SAMN02422673
# use $ to get a specific column
## [1] N61311  N61311  N052611 N052611 N080611 N080611
## Levels: N052611 N061011 N080611 N61311
## [1] "SRR1039508" "SRR1039509" "SRR1039512" "SRR1039513" "SRR1039516"
## [6] "SRR1039517"
## [1] "ENSG00000000003" "ENSG00000000005" "ENSG00000000419" "ENSG00000000457"
## [5] "ENSG00000000460" "ENSG00000000938"
# get the genomic coordinates of the features
## GRangesList object of length 64102:
## $ENSG00000000003 
## GRanges object with 17 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
##        seqnames               ranges strand |   exon_id       exon_name
##           <Rle>            <IRanges>  <Rle> | <integer>     <character>
##    [1]        X [99883667, 99884983]      - |    667145 ENSE00001459322
##    [2]        X [99885756, 99885863]      - |    667146 ENSE00000868868
##    [3]        X [99887482, 99887565]      - |    667147 ENSE00000401072
##    [4]        X [99887538, 99887565]      - |    667148 ENSE00001849132
##    [5]        X [99888402, 99888536]      - |    667149 ENSE00003554016
##    ...      ...                  ...    ... .       ...             ...
##   [13]        X [99890555, 99890743]      - |    667156 ENSE00003512331
##   [14]        X [99891188, 99891686]      - |    667158 ENSE00001886883
##   [15]        X [99891605, 99891803]      - |    667159 ENSE00001855382
##   [16]        X [99891790, 99892101]      - |    667160 ENSE00001863395
##   [17]        X [99894942, 99894988]      - |    667161 ENSE00001828996
## ...
## <64101 more elements>
## -------
## seqinfo: 722 sequences (1 circular) from an unspecified genome

1 Annotation packages

3 types of annotation packages:

In this section we explore the orgDb packages.

Lets apply these functions to convert the Ensembl ids in the airway data to their corresponding EntrezIDs. To do this, we first need to load the org.Hs.eg.db package and explore the information that it contains.

# biocInstalled::biocLite("org.Hs.eg.db")


# values that you can use to make queries on the org.Hs.eg.db object
keys <- keytypes(org.Hs.eg.db)
head(keys, n = 30)
##  [1] "ACCNUM"       "ALIAS"        "ENSEMBL"      "ENSEMBLPROT" 
##  [9] "EVIDENCEALL"  "GENENAME"     "GO"           "GOALL"       
## [13] "IPI"          "MAP"          "OMIM"         "ONTOLOGY"    
## [17] "ONTOLOGYALL"  "PATH"         "PFAM"         "PMID"        
## [21] "PROSITE"      "REFSEQ"       "SYMBOL"       "UCSCKG"      
## [25] "UNIGENE"      "UNIPROT"
# the available annotations
##  [1] "ACCNUM"       "ALIAS"        "ENSEMBL"      "ENSEMBLPROT" 
##  [9] "EVIDENCEALL"  "GENENAME"     "GO"           "GOALL"       
## [13] "IPI"          "MAP"          "OMIM"         "ONTOLOGY"    
## [17] "ONTOLOGYALL"  "PATH"         "PFAM"         "PMID"        
## [21] "PROSITE"      "REFSEQ"       "SYMBOL"       "UCSCKG"      
## [25] "UNIGENE"      "UNIPROT"

Lets convert the Ensembl Ids in the airway data to their Entrez Ids …

## [1] "ENSG00000000003" "ENSG00000000005" "ENSG00000000419" "ENSG00000000457"
## [5] "ENSG00000000460" "ENSG00000000938"
ensembl_to_entrez <- select(org.Hs.eg.db, keys = as.character(rownames(airway)), columns= "ENTREZID", keytype="ENSEMBL")
## 'select()' returned 1:many mapping between keys and columns
## 1 ENSG00000000003     7105
## 2 ENSG00000000005    64102
## 3 ENSG00000000419     8813
## 4 ENSG00000000457    57147
## 5 ENSG00000000460    55732
## 6 ENSG00000000938     2268 > Challenge

find the gene symbols and gene descriptions (names) for the airway data > Challenge

Find the symbol of the gene with Ensembl ID “ENSG00000000005” and all the aliases associated with that genes. How many transcripts are recorded for this gene in ENSEMBL Transcript database?

2 GEOquery

# source("http://www.bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")
# biocLite(c("GEOquery"))

## Setting options('download.file.method.GEOquery'='auto')
## Setting options('GEOquery.inmemory.gpl'=FALSE)
eList <- getGEO("GSE11675")
## https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/series/GSE11nnn/GSE11675/matrix/
## OK
## Found 1 file(s)
## GSE11675_series_matrix.txt.gz
## File stored at:
## /var/folders/9v/cjl49srx09j1r1xjd5nwry5h0000gn/T//RtmpXCdkgG/GPL8300.soft
## Warning in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote =
## quote, : not all columns named in 'colClasses' exist
## [1] "list"
## [1] 1
## [1] "GSE11675_series_matrix.txt.gz"
eData <- eList[[1]]
## ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
## assayData: 12625 features, 6 samples 
##   element names: exprs 
## protocolData: none
## phenoData
##   sampleNames: GSM296630 GSM296635 ... GSM296639 (6 total)
##   varLabels: title geo_accession ... data_row_count (34 total)
##   varMetadata: labelDescription
## featureData
##   featureNames: 1000_at 1001_at ... AFFX-YEL024w/RIP1_at (12625
##     total)
##   fvarLabels: ID GB_ACC ... Gene Ontology Molecular Function (16
##     total)
##   fvarMetadata: Column Description labelDescription
## experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
## Annotation: GPL8300
##  [1] "title"                   "geo_accession"          
##  [3] "status"                  "submission_date"        
##  [5] "last_update_date"        "type"                   
##  [7] "channel_count"           "source_name_ch1"        
##  [9] "organism_ch1"            "characteristics_ch1"    
## [11] "characteristics_ch1.1"   "characteristics_ch1.2"  
## [13] "molecule_ch1"            "extract_protocol_ch1"   
## [15] "label_ch1"               "label_protocol_ch1"     
## [17] "taxid_ch1"               "hyb_protocol"           
## [19] "scan_protocol"           "description"            
## [21] "data_processing"         "platform_id"            
## [23] "contact_name"            "contact_email"          
## [25] "contact_phone"           "contact_department"     
## [27] "contact_institute"       "contact_address"        
## [29] "contact_city"            "contact_zip/postal_code"
## [31] "contact_country"         "supplementary_file"     
## [33] "supplementary_file.1"    "data_row_count"
eList2 <- getGEOSuppFiles("GSE11675")
## https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/series/GSE11nnn/GSE11675/suppl/
## OK
rownames(eList2) <- basename(rownames(eList2))

##                      size isdir mode               mtime
## GSE11675_RAW.tar 45803520 FALSE  644 2017-05-18 16:58:09
## filelist.txt          740 FALSE  644 2017-05-18 16:58:11
##                                ctime               atime uid gid uname
## GSE11675_RAW.tar 2017-05-18 16:58:09 2017-05-18 16:57:56 501  20   pfh
## filelist.txt     2017-05-18 16:58:11 2017-05-17 11:05:47 501  20   pfh
##                  grname
## GSE11675_RAW.tar  staff
## filelist.txt      staff

This is now a data.frame of file names. A single TAR archive was downloaded. You can expand the TAR achive using standard tools; inside there is a list of 6 CEL files and 6 CHP files. You can then read the 6 CEL files into R using functions from affy or oligo.

It is also possible to use GEOquery to query GEO as a database (ie. looking for datasets); more information in the package vignette.