Installing Bioconductor packages

# This will install the packages used in this file.

Load packages


Finding documentation

Bioconductor packages usually have documentation in the form of “vignettes”. These are also available on the Bioconductor website:




Integer ranges, 1-based, from start to end inclusive.

This is R, where everything is a vector, so there is no singular IRange, only plural IRanges.

myiranges <- IRanges(start=c(5,20,25), end=c(10,30,40))

Like all objects from Bioconductor, myiranges is an “S4” object. It has a class, which can be obtained with class(). This determines:

Data stored in slots is accessible with @ (similar to $ for lists), but code that uses accessor functions will be more generic and less liable to break in future.

## IRanges object with 3 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
##           start       end     width
##       <integer> <integer> <integer>
##   [1]         5        10         6
##   [2]        20        30        11
##   [3]        25        40        16
## [1] "IRanges"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "IRanges"
##   [1] !                   !=                  [                  
##   [4] [[                  [[<-                [<-                
##   [7] %in%                <                   <=                 
##  [10] ==                  >                   >=                 
##  [13] $                   $<-                 aggregate          
##  [16] anyNA               append              as.character       
##  [19] as.complex       as.env             
##  [22] as.integer          as.list             as.logical         
##  [25] as.matrix           as.numeric          as.raw             
##  [28] as.vector           by                  c                  
##  [31] cbind               coerce              cor                
##  [34] countOverlaps       cov                 coverage           
##  [37] diff                disjoin             disjointBins       
##  [40] distance            distanceToNearest            
##  [43] drop                droplevels          duplicated         
##  [46] elementMetadata     elementMetadata<-   elementNROWS       
##  [49] elementType         end                 end<-              
##  [52] endoapply           eval                expand             
##  [55] expand.grid         export              extractList        
##  [58] extractROWS         Filter              findOverlaps       
##  [61] flank               follow              gaps               
##  [64] getListElement      head                ifelse             
##  [67] intersect           IQR                     
##  [70] is.unsorted         isDisjoint          isEmpty            
##  [73] isNormal            lapply              length             
##  [76] lengths             mad                 match              
##  [79] mcols               mcols<-             mean               
##  [82] median              mendoapply          merge              
##  [85] metadata            metadata<-          mid                
##  [88] mstack              names               names<-            
##  [91] narrow              nearest             NROW               
##  [94] NSBS                Ops                 order              
##  [97] overlapsAny         parallelSlotNames   parallelVectorNames
## [100] pcompare            pcompareRecursively pgap               
## [103] pintersect          pmax                 
## [106] pmin                  poverlaps          
## [109] precede             promoters           psetdiff           
## [112] punion              quantile            range              
## [115] rank                rbind               Reduce             
## [118] reduce              reflect             relist             
## [121] rename              rep                   
## [124] replaceROWS         resize              restrict           
## [127] rev                 revElements         reverse            
## [130] ROWNAMES            sapply              sd                 
## [133] selfmatch           seqinfo             seqinfo<-          
## [136] seqlevelsInUse      setdiff             setequal           
## [139] shift               shiftApply          show               
## [142] showAsCell          slidingWindows      sort               
## [145] split               split<-             stack              
## [148] start               start<-             subset             
## [151] subsetByOverlaps    Summary             table              
## [154] tail                tapply              threebands         
## [157] tile                union               unique             
## [160] unlist              unsplit             update             
## [163] values              values<-            var                
## [166] which.max           which.min           whichFirstNotNormal
## [169] width               width<-             window             
## [172] window<-            with                within             
## [175] xtabs               xtfrm               zipdown            
## see '?methods' for accessing help and source code
# ?"IRanges-class"

# Accessor functions
## [1]  5 20 25
#(or myiranges@start, but start(myiranges) is preferable)
## [1] 10 30 40
## [1]  6 11 16
# IRanges supports many operations
resize(myiranges, 3, fix="start")
## IRanges object with 3 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
##           start       end     width
##       <integer> <integer> <integer>
##   [1]         5         7         3
##   [2]        20        22         3
##   [3]        25        27         3
resize(myiranges, 3, fix="end")
## IRanges object with 3 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
##           start       end     width
##       <integer> <integer> <integer>
##   [1]         8        10         3
##   [2]        28        30         3
##   [3]        38        40         3

Ok, this gets confusing, let me illustrate.

show_iranges <- function(obj) {
    for(i in seq_along(obj))
        cat(rep(" ", start(obj)[i]),
            rep("=", width(obj)[i]),
            "\n", sep="")

show_iranges( myiranges                              )
##      ======
##                     ===========
##                          ================
show_iranges( resize(myiranges, 3, fix="start")      )
##      ===
##                     ===
##                          ===
show_iranges( resize(myiranges, 3, fix="end")        )
##         ===
##                             ===
##                                       ===
show_iranges( flank(myiranges, 2, start=TRUE)        )
##    ==
##                   ==
##                        ==
show_iranges( flank(myiranges, 2, start=FALSE)       )
##            ==
##                                ==
##                                          ==
show_iranges( range(myiranges)                       )
##      ====================================
show_iranges( reduce(myiranges)                      )
##      ======
##                     =====================
show_iranges( disjoin(myiranges)                     )
##      ======
##                     =====
##                          ======
##                                ==========
show_iranges( setdiff(range(myiranges), myiranges)   )
##            =========
show_iranges( intersect(myiranges[2], myiranges[3])  )
##                          ======
show_iranges( union(myiranges[2], myiranges[3])      )
##                     =====================
# ?"intra-range-methods"
# ?"inter-range-methods"
# ?"setops-methods"
# ?"findOverlaps-methods"
# ?"nearest-methods"

Note: Loading tidyverse packages may clobber some of these generic functions. If necessary use BiocGenerics::setdiff, etc.


Without using the promoters() function, how would you get IRanges from -5 to +2 of the starts of myiranges?


To refer to a location in a genome we also need:

mygranges <- GRanges(
    seqnames = c("chrII", "chrI", "chrI"),
    ranges = IRanges(start=c(5,20,25), end=c(10,30,40)),
    strand = c("+", "-", "+"))

## GRanges object with 3 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
##       seqnames    ranges strand
##          <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle>
##   [1]    chrII  [ 5, 10]      +
##   [2]     chrI  [20, 30]      -
##   [3]     chrI  [25, 40]      +
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 2 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
## [1] "GRanges"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "GenomicRanges"
##   [1] !=                [                 [<-              
##   [4] %in%              <                 <=               
##   [7] ==                >                 >=               
##  [10] $                 $<-               aggregate        
##  [13] anyNA             append            as.character     
##  [16] as.complex     as.env           
##  [19] as.factor         as.integer        as.list          
##  [22] as.logical        as.matrix         as.numeric       
##  [25] as.raw            blocks            browseGenome     
##  [28] by                c                 chrom            
##  [31] chrom<-           coerce            coerce<-         
##  [34] countOverlaps     coverage          disjoin          
##  [37] disjointBins      distance          distanceToNearest
##  [40] duplicated        elementMetadata   elementMetadata<-
##  [43] end               end<-             eval             
##  [46] expand            expand.grid       export           
##  [49] extractROWS       findOverlaps      flank            
##  [52] follow            gaps              granges          
##  [55] head              intersect         is.unsorted      
##  [58] isDisjoint        length            lengths          
##  [61] liftOver          match             mcols            
##  [64] mcols<-           merge             metadata         
##  [67] metadata<-        mstack            names            
##  [70] names<-           narrow            nearest          
##  [73] NROW              Ops               order            
##  [76] overlapsAny       parallelSlotNames pcompare         
##  [79] pgap              pintersect        precede          
##  [82] promoters         psetdiff          punion           
##  [85] range             ranges            ranges<-         
##  [88] rank              reduce            relist           
##  [91] relistToClass     rename            rep              
##  [94]           replaceROWS       resize           
##  [97] restrict          rev               ROWNAMES         
## [100] score             score<-           selfmatch        
## [103] seqinfo           seqinfo<-         seqlevelsInUse   
## [106] seqnames          seqnames<-        setdiff          
## [109] setequal          shift             shiftApply       
## [112] show              showAsCell        slidingWindows   
## [115] sort              split             split<-          
## [118] start             start<-           strand           
## [121] strand<-          subset            subsetByOverlaps 
## [124] summary           table             tail             
## [127] tapply            tile              trim             
## [130] union             unique            update           
## [133] updateObject      values            values<-         
## [136] width             width<-           window           
## [139] window<-          with              xtabs            
## [142] xtfrm            
## see '?methods' for accessing help and source code
# ?"GRanges-class"

## factor-Rle of length 3 with 2 runs
##   Lengths:     1     2
##   Values : chrII  chrI
## Levels(2): chrII chrI
## factor-Rle of length 3 with 3 runs
##   Lengths: 1 1 1
##   Values : + - +
## Levels(3): + - *
## IRanges object with 3 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
##           start       end     width
##       <integer> <integer> <integer>
##   [1]         5        10         6
##   [2]        20        30        11
##   [3]        25        40        16
## [1]  5 20 25
## [1] 10 30 40
##   seqnames start end width strand
## 1    chrII     5  10     6      +
## 2     chrI    20  30    11      -
## 3     chrI    25  40    16      +
# GRanges are like vectors:
## GRanges object with 1 range and 0 metadata columns:
##       seqnames    ranges strand
##          <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle>
##   [1]     chrI  [20, 30]      -
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 2 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
c(mygranges, mygranges)
## GRanges object with 6 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
##       seqnames    ranges strand
##          <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle>
##   [1]    chrII  [ 5, 10]      +
##   [2]     chrI  [20, 30]      -
##   [3]     chrI  [25, 40]      +
##   [4]    chrII  [ 5, 10]      +
##   [5]     chrI  [20, 30]      -
##   [6]     chrI  [25, 40]      +
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 2 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
# Like other vectors, elements may be named
names(mygranges) <- c("foo", "bar", "baz")
## GRanges object with 3 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
##       seqnames    ranges strand
##          <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle>
##   foo    chrII  [ 5, 10]      +
##   bar     chrI  [20, 30]      -
##   baz     chrI  [25, 40]      +
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 2 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
# GRanges can have metadata columns, so they are also a little like data frames:
mygranges$wobble <- c(10, 20, 30)
## GRanges object with 3 ranges and 1 metadata column:
##       seqnames    ranges strand |    wobble
##          <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle> | <numeric>
##   foo    chrII  [ 5, 10]      + |        10
##   bar     chrI  [20, 30]      - |        20
##   baz     chrI  [25, 40]      + |        30
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 2 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
## DataFrame with 3 rows and 1 column
##      wobble
##   <numeric>
## 1        10
## 2        20
## 3        30
## [1] 10 20 30
# A handy way to create a GRanges
as("chrI:3-5:+", "GRanges")
## GRanges object with 1 range and 0 metadata columns:
##       seqnames    ranges strand
##          <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle>
##   [1]     chrI    [3, 5]      +
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
# All the operations we saw for IRanges are available for GRanges.
# However most GRanges operations will take strand into account.
# Warning: shift() is a notable exception to this.

resize(mygranges, 3, fix="start")
## GRanges object with 3 ranges and 1 metadata column:
##       seqnames    ranges strand |    wobble
##          <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle> | <numeric>
##   foo    chrII  [ 5,  7]      + |        10
##   bar     chrI  [28, 30]      - |        20
##   baz     chrI  [25, 27]      + |        30
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 2 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
resize(mygranges, 3, fix="end")
## GRanges object with 3 ranges and 1 metadata column:
##       seqnames    ranges strand |    wobble
##          <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle> | <numeric>
##   foo    chrII  [ 8, 10]      + |        10
##   bar     chrI  [20, 22]      - |        20
##   baz     chrI  [38, 40]      + |        30
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 2 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths

DNAString and DNAStringSet


A DNAString is like a character string of bases “A”, “C”, “G”, “T”, or possibly IUPAC ambiguity codes such as “N” for any base.

myseq <- DNAString("gcgctgctggatgcgaccgcgcatgcgagcgcgacctatccggaa")

##   45-letter "DNAString" instance
## [1] "DNAString"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "Biostrings"
##   [1] !=                              [                              
##   [3] [<-                             %in%                           
##   [5] <                               <=                             
##   [7] ==                              >                              
##   [9] >=                              aggregate                      
##  [11] alphabetFrequency               anyNA                          
##  [13] append                          as.character                   
##  [15] as.complex                              
##  [17] as.env                          as.integer                     
##  [19] as.list                         as.logical                     
##  [21] as.matrix                       as.numeric                     
##  [23] as.raw                          as.vector                      
##  [25] by                              c                              
##  [27] chartr                          codons                         
##  [29] coerce                          compact                        
##  [31] compareStrings                  complement                     
##  [33] countOverlaps                   countPattern                   
##  [35] countPDict                      countPWM                       
##  [37] duplicated                      elementMetadata                
##  [39] elementMetadata<-               eval                           
##  [41] expand                          expand.grid                    
##  [43] extractAt                       extractList                    
##  [45] extractROWS                     findOverlaps                   
##  [47] findPalindromes                 hasOnlyBaseLetters             
##  [49] head                            intersect                      
##  [51] isMatchingEndingAt              isMatchingStartingAt           
##  [53] lcprefix                        lcsubstr                       
##  [55] lcsuffix                        length                         
##  [57] lengths                         letter                         
##  [59] letterFrequency                 letterFrequencyInSlidingView   
##  [61] maskMotif                       masks                          
##  [63] masks<-                         match                          
##  [65] matchLRPatterns                 matchPattern                   
##  [67] matchPDict                      matchProbePair                 
##  [69] matchPWM                        mcols                          
##  [71] mcols<-                         merge                          
##  [73] metadata                        metadata<-                     
##  [75] mstack                          nchar                          
##  [77] neditEndingAt                   neditStartingAt                
##  [79] needwunsQS                      NROW                           
##  [81] oligonucleotideFrequency        overlapsAny                    
##  [83] PairwiseAlignments              PairwiseAlignmentsSingleSubject
##  [85] palindromeArmLength             palindromeLeftArm              
##  [87] palindromeRightArm              parallelSlotNames              
##  [89] pcompare                        pmatchPattern                  
##  [91] rank                            relist                         
##  [93] relistToClass                   rename                         
##  [95] rep                                           
##  [97] replaceAt                       replaceLetterAt                
##  [99] replaceROWS                     rev                            
## [101] reverse                         reverseComplement              
## [103] ROWNAMES                        seqlevelsInUse                 
## [105] seqtype                         seqtype<-                      
## [107] setdiff                         setequal                       
## [109] shiftApply                      show                           
## [111] showAsCell                      sort                           
## [113] split                           split<-                        
## [115] subseq                          subseq<-                       
## [117] subset                          subsetByOverlaps               
## [119] substr                          substring                      
## [121] table                           tail                           
## [123] tapply                          toComplex                      
## [125] toString                        translate                      
## [127] trimLRPatterns                  twoWayAlphabetFrequency        
## [129] union                           unique                         
## [131] uniqueLetters                   unmasked                       
## [133] updateObject                    values                         
## [135] values<-                        vcountPattern                  
## [137] vcountPDict                     Views                          
## [139] vmatchPattern                   vmatchPDict                    
## [141] vwhichPDict                     which.isMatchingEndingAt       
## [143] which.isMatchingStartingAt      whichPDict                     
## [145] window                          window<-                       
## [147] with                            xtabs                          
## [149] xtfrm                           xvcopy                         
## see '?methods' for accessing help and source code
# ?"DNAString-class"

##   45-letter "DNAString" instance
##   15-letter "AAString" instance
subseq(myseq, 3,5)
##   3-letter "DNAString" instance
## seq: GCT
##  A  C  G  T  M  R  W  S  Y  K  V  H  D  B  N  -  +  . 
##  8 15 16  6  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
letterFrequency(myseq, c("AT", "GC"))
## A|T G|C 
##  14  31
# DNAString objects behave like vectors.
##   3-letter "DNAString" instance
## seq: GCT
c(myseq, myseq)
##   90-letter "DNAString" instance
# as() converts between types.
as(myseq, "character")
as("ACGT", "DNAString")
##   4-letter "DNAString" instance
## seq: ACGT

Finding or counting patterns

matchPattern("GCG", myseq)
##   Views on a 45-letter DNAString subject
## views:
##     start end width
## [1]     1   3     3 [GCG]
## [2]    13  15     3 [GCG]
## [3]    19  21     3 [GCG]
## [4]    25  27     3 [GCG]
## [5]    29  31     3 [GCG]
## [6]    31  33     3 [GCG]
countPattern("GCG", myseq)
## [1] 6

These functions have arguments to allow for some number of substitutions, or even substitutions, insertions, and deletions.

Use pairwiseAlignment() for more flexible local or global alignment.

Use matchPWM() for a motif represented as a Position Weight Matrix.


We often want to work with a collection of DNA sequences.

myset <- DNAStringSet(list(chrI=myseq, chrII=DNAString("ACGTACGTAA")))

##   A DNAStringSet instance of length 2
##     width seq                                          names               
## [2]    10 ACGTACGTAA                                   chrII
## [1] "DNAStringSet"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "Biostrings"
# ?"DNAStringSet-class"

## [1] 45 10
## Seqinfo object with 2 sequences from an unspecified genome:
##   seqnames seqlengths isCircular genome
##   chrI             45         NA   <NA>
##   chrII            10         NA   <NA>
# Since a DNAString is like a vector, a DNAStringSet is has to be like a list.
##   10-letter "DNAString" instance
# or myset[["chrII"]]
# or myset[[2]]

# Getting sequences with GRanges
getSeq(myset, mygranges)
##   A DNAStringSet instance of length 3
##     width seq
## [1]     6 ACGTAA
## [2]    11 GCTCGCATGCG
getSeq(myset, as("chrI:1-3:+", "GRanges"))
##   A DNAStringSet instance of length 1
##     width seq
## [1]     3 GCG
getSeq(myset, as("chrI:1-3:-", "GRanges"))
##   A DNAStringSet instance of length 1
##     width seq
## [1]     3 CGC
# Performs reverse complement if strand is "-".

GRanges can also have seqinfo, allowing various forms of error checking.


Reverse complement the following DNA sequence and then translate to an amino acid sequence:


BSgenome and TxDb packages

Genomes and genes for many model organisms are available as Bioconductor packages.

Further data may be available using AnnotationHub.

We will be using packages for yeast in this part of the workshop.

# A yeast genome object has been loaded.
# Actual sequence data is only loaded from disk as needed.
genome <- Scerevisiae

## [1] "BSgenome"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "BSgenome"
# ?"BSgenome-class"

## Seqinfo object with 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome:
##   seqnames seqlengths isCircular  genome
##   chrI         230218      FALSE sacCer3
##   chrII        813184      FALSE sacCer3
##   chrIII       316620      FALSE sacCer3
##   chrIV       1531933      FALSE sacCer3
##   chrV         576874      FALSE sacCer3
##   ...             ...        ...     ...
##   chrXIII      924431      FALSE sacCer3
##   chrXIV       784333      FALSE sacCer3
##   chrXV       1091291      FALSE sacCer3
##   chrXVI       948066      FALSE sacCer3
##   chrM          85779       TRUE sacCer3
##   85779-letter "DNAString" instance
## Loading required package: GenomicFeatures
## Loading required package: AnnotationDbi
## Loading required package: Biobase
## Welcome to Bioconductor
##     Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
##     'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
##     'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.
# An object referring to a yeast transcriptome database has been loaded.
# Actual data is only loaded from disk as needed.
txdb <- TxDb.Scerevisiae.UCSC.sacCer3.sgdGene

## [1] "TxDb"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "GenomicFeatures"
# ?"TxDb-class"

Genes have transcripts. Transcripts have exons, and CDSs if they are protein coding.

The GRange for a transcript spans all of its exons. The GRange for a gene spans all the exons of all of its transcripts.

For example:

=============================================== gene

========================  transcript1 of gene
=======   ====  ========  exons of transcript1
   ====   ====  ===       CDSs of transcript1

        ======================================= transcript2 of gene
        ======              ======   ========== exons of transcript2
          ====              ======   ===        CDSs of transcript2
## GRanges object with 6534 ranges and 1 metadata column:
##             seqnames           ranges strand |     gene_id
##                <Rle>        <IRanges>  <Rle> | <character>
##       Q0010     chrM   [ 3952,  4415]      + |       Q0010
##       Q0032     chrM   [11667, 11957]      + |       Q0032
##       Q0055     chrM   [13818, 26701]      + |       Q0055
##       Q0075     chrM   [24156, 25255]      + |       Q0075
##       Q0080     chrM   [27666, 27812]      + |       Q0080
##         ...      ...              ...    ... .         ...
##     YPR200C   chrXVI [939279, 939671]      - |     YPR200C
##     YPR201W   chrXVI [939922, 941136]      + |     YPR201W
##     YPR202W   chrXVI [943032, 944188]      + |     YPR202W
##   YPR204C-A   chrXVI [946856, 947338]      - |   YPR204C-A
##     YPR204W   chrXVI [944603, 947701]      + |     YPR204W
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome
transcriptsBy(txdb, "gene")
## GRangesList object of length 6534:
## $Q0010 
## GRanges object with 2 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
##       seqnames       ranges strand |     tx_id     tx_name
##          <Rle>    <IRanges>  <Rle> | <integer> <character>
##   [1]     chrM [3952, 4338]      + |      6665       Q0010
##   [2]     chrM [4254, 4415]      + |      6666       Q0017
## $Q0032 
## GRanges object with 1 range and 2 metadata columns:
##       seqnames         ranges strand | tx_id tx_name
##   [1]     chrM [11667, 11957]      + |  6667   Q0032
## $Q0055 
## GRanges object with 6 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
##       seqnames         ranges strand | tx_id tx_name
##   [1]     chrM [13818, 16322]      + |  6668   Q0050
##   [2]     chrM [13818, 18830]      + |  6669   Q0055
##   [3]     chrM [13818, 19996]      + |  6670   Q0060
##   [4]     chrM [13818, 21935]      + |  6671   Q0065
##   [5]     chrM [13818, 23167]      + |  6672   Q0070
##   [6]     chrM [13818, 26701]      + |  6673   Q0045
## ...
## <6531 more elements>
## -------
## seqinfo: 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome
exonsBy(txdb, "tx", use.names=TRUE)
## GRangesList object of length 6692:
## $YAL069W 
## GRanges object with 1 range and 3 metadata columns:
##       seqnames     ranges strand |   exon_id   exon_name exon_rank
##          <Rle>  <IRanges>  <Rle> | <integer> <character> <integer>
##   [1]     chrI [335, 649]      + |         1        <NA>         1
## $YAL068W-A 
## GRanges object with 1 range and 3 metadata columns:
##       seqnames     ranges strand | exon_id exon_name exon_rank
##   [1]     chrI [538, 792]      + |       2      <NA>         1
## $YAL067W-A 
## GRanges object with 1 range and 3 metadata columns:
##       seqnames       ranges strand | exon_id exon_name exon_rank
##   [1]     chrI [2480, 2707]      + |       3      <NA>         1
## ...
## <6689 more elements>
## -------
## seqinfo: 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome
cdsBy(txdb, "tx", use.names=TRUE)
## GRangesList object of length 6692:
## $YAL069W 
## GRanges object with 1 range and 3 metadata columns:
##       seqnames     ranges strand |    cds_id    cds_name exon_rank
##          <Rle>  <IRanges>  <Rle> | <integer> <character> <integer>
##   [1]     chrI [335, 649]      + |         1        <NA>         1
## $YAL068W-A 
## GRanges object with 1 range and 3 metadata columns:
##       seqnames     ranges strand | cds_id cds_name exon_rank
##   [1]     chrI [538, 792]      + |      2     <NA>         1
## $YAL067W-A 
## GRanges object with 1 range and 3 metadata columns:
##       seqnames       ranges strand | cds_id cds_name exon_rank
##   [1]     chrI [2480, 2707]      + |      3     <NA>         1
## ...
## <6689 more elements>
## -------
## seqinfo: 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome

Example: extracting start codons

To illustrate the use of a TxDb, let us try to extract the start codons of yeast. Our first step is to obtain the locations of the coding sequences.

cds_list <- cdsBy(txdb, "tx", use.names=TRUE)

## GRangesList object of length 6692:
## $YAL069W 
## GRanges object with 1 range and 3 metadata columns:
##       seqnames     ranges strand |    cds_id    cds_name exon_rank
##          <Rle>  <IRanges>  <Rle> | <integer> <character> <integer>
##   [1]     chrI [335, 649]      + |         1        <NA>         1
## $YAL068W-A 
## GRanges object with 1 range and 3 metadata columns:
##       seqnames     ranges strand | cds_id cds_name exon_rank
##   [1]     chrI [538, 792]      + |      2     <NA>         1
## $YAL067W-A 
## GRanges object with 1 range and 3 metadata columns:
##       seqnames       ranges strand | cds_id cds_name exon_rank
##   [1]     chrI [2480, 2707]      + |      3     <NA>         1
## ...
## <6689 more elements>
## -------
## seqinfo: 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome
## [1] "GRangesList"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "GenomicRanges"
head( elementNROWS(cds_list) )
##   YAL069W YAL068W-A YAL067W-A   YAL066W YAL064W-B   YAL064W 
##         1         1         1         1         1         1
table( elementNROWS(cds_list) )
##    1    2    3    4    5    6    8 
## 6363  312   12    2    1    1    1
cds_list[ elementNROWS(cds_list) >= 2 ]
## GRangesList object of length 329:
## $YAL030W 
## GRanges object with 2 ranges and 3 metadata columns:
##       seqnames         ranges strand |    cds_id    cds_name exon_rank
##          <Rle>      <IRanges>  <Rle> | <integer> <character> <integer>
##   [1]     chrI [87286, 87387]      + |        26        <NA>         1
##   [2]     chrI [87501, 87752]      + |        27        <NA>         2
## $YAL003W 
## GRanges object with 2 ranges and 3 metadata columns:
##       seqnames           ranges strand | cds_id cds_name exon_rank
##   [1]     chrI [142174, 142253]      + |     40     <NA>         1
##   [2]     chrI [142620, 143160]      + |     41     <NA>         2
## $YAL001C 
## GRanges object with 2 ranges and 3 metadata columns:
##       seqnames           ranges strand | cds_id cds_name exon_rank
##   [1]     chrI [151097, 151166]      - |    107     <NA>         1
##   [2]     chrI [147594, 151006]      - |    106     <NA>         2
## ...
## <326 more elements>
## -------
## seqinfo: 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome
## Seqinfo object with 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome:
##   seqnames seqlengths isCircular  genome
##   chrI         230218       <NA> sacCer3
##   chrII        813184       <NA> sacCer3
##   chrIII       316620       <NA> sacCer3
##   chrIV       1531933       <NA> sacCer3
##   chrV         576874       <NA> sacCer3
##   ...             ...        ...     ...
##   chrXIII      924431       <NA> sacCer3
##   chrXIV       784333       <NA> sacCer3
##   chrXV       1091291       <NA> sacCer3
##   chrXVI       948066       <NA> sacCer3
##   chrM          85779       TRUE sacCer3
##      chrI     chrII    chrIII     chrIV      chrV     chrVI    chrVII 
## "sacCer3" "sacCer3" "sacCer3" "sacCer3" "sacCer3" "sacCer3" "sacCer3" 
##   chrVIII     chrIX      chrX     chrXI    chrXII   chrXIII    chrXIV 
## "sacCer3" "sacCer3" "sacCer3" "sacCer3" "sacCer3" "sacCer3" "sacCer3" 
##     chrXV    chrXVI      chrM 
## "sacCer3" "sacCer3" "sacCer3"

GRanges and GRangesLists extracted from the txdb have associated seqinfo. Bioconductor will give an error if you try to use them with the wrong genome.

# The ...By functions return GRangesList objects.
# To flatten down to a GRanges, use unlist.
## GRanges object with 7050 ranges and 3 metadata columns:
##             seqnames         ranges strand |    cds_id    cds_name
##                <Rle>      <IRanges>  <Rle> | <integer> <character>
##     YAL069W     chrI [  335,   649]      + |         1        <NA>
##   YAL068W-A     chrI [  538,   792]      + |         2        <NA>
##   YAL067W-A     chrI [ 2480,  2707]      + |         3        <NA>
##     YAL066W     chrI [10091, 10399]      + |         4        <NA>
##   YAL064W-B     chrI [12046, 12426]      + |         5        <NA>
##         ...      ...            ...    ... .       ...         ...
##       Q0255     chrM [74495, 75622]      + |      7030        <NA>
##       Q0255     chrM [75663, 75872]      + |      7031        <NA>
##       Q0255     chrM [75904, 75984]      + |      7032        <NA>
##       Q0275     chrM [79213, 80022]      + |      7033        <NA>
##       Q0297     chrM [85554, 85709]      + |      7034        <NA>
##             exon_rank
##             <integer>
##     YAL069W         1
##   YAL068W-A         1
##   YAL067W-A         1
##     YAL066W         1
##   YAL064W-B         1
##         ...       ...
##       Q0255         1
##       Q0255         2
##       Q0255         3
##       Q0275         1
##       Q0297         1
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome
# Note that names will not be unique unless each element has length 1.

cds_ranges <- unlist( range(cds_list) )
start_codons <- resize(cds_ranges, 3, fix="start")
start_seqs <- getSeq(genome, start_codons)
## start_seqs
##    1    3    6 6682

Many Bioconductor types have a List version. This allows use of the split-apply-combine pattern. List classes support most of the same functions as their base type. If a function isn’t supported, use lapply.


  • split: cdsBy has performed the splitting for us.
  • apply: range has a GRangesList version that calculates the range for each element individually.
  • combine: unlist goes from GRangesList to GRanges, taking names from the list names.

Use split() to perform the splitting step manually.


In DNA, a stop codon can be TAG, TAA or TGA.

Are stop codons included in the CDS sequence, or just after it?

Does yeast have a preferred stop codon?

Hint: Use resize(..., fix="end") and flank(..., start=FALSE)

Another way to extract start codons

The above approach to extracting start codons has a potential flaw: an intron may lie within the start codon.

# An alternative way to get start codons.
cds_seqs <- extractTranscriptSeqs(genome, cds_list)
table( subseq(cds_seqs, 1, 3) )
##  ATA  ATG 
##    6 6686

It actually happens! “AGC” and “AGT” which we saw previously are gone when we handle introns correctly.

cds_list[ start_seqs == "AGC" ]
## GRangesList object of length 1:
## $YIL111W 
## GRanges object with 2 ranges and 3 metadata columns:
##       seqnames           ranges strand |    cds_id    cds_name exon_rank
##          <Rle>        <IRanges>  <Rle> | <integer> <character> <integer>
##   [1]    chrIX [155222, 155222]      + |      3200        <NA>         1
##   [2]    chrIX [155311, 155765]      + |      3201        <NA>         2
## -------
## seqinfo: 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome
cds_list[ start_seqs == "AGT" ]
## GRangesList object of length 3:
## $YJL041W 
## GRanges object with 2 ranges and 3 metadata columns:
##       seqnames           ranges strand |    cds_id    cds_name exon_rank
##          <Rle>        <IRanges>  <Rle> | <integer> <character> <integer>
##   [1]     chrX [365784, 365784]      + |      3523        <NA>         1
##   [2]     chrX [365903, 368373]      + |      3524        <NA>         2
## $YMR242C 
## GRanges object with 2 ranges and 3 metadata columns:
##       seqnames           ranges strand | cds_id cds_name exon_rank
##   [1]  chrXIII [754220, 754220]      - |   5309     <NA>         1
##   [2]  chrXIII [753225, 753742]      - |   5308     <NA>         2
## $YOR312C 
## GRanges object with 2 ranges and 3 metadata columns:
##       seqnames           ranges strand | cds_id cds_name exon_rank
##   [1]    chrXV [901194, 901194]      - |   6397     <NA>         1
##   [2]    chrXV [900250, 900767]      - |   6396     <NA>         2
## -------
## seqinfo: 17 sequences (1 circular) from sacCer3 genome

Characterizing a collection of locations in a genome

It’s common to want to characterize some collection of locations in a genome: transcription start or end sites, protein binding sites, etc. Bioconductor’s core packages make a first pass at characterization fairly simple. You might then proceed to a specialized tool such as a de-novo motif finder.

As an example, let’s look at sequence upstrand of CDS regions.

## Loading required package: grid
upstrand_ranges <- flank(cds_ranges, 10, start=TRUE)

upstrand_seq <- getSeq(genome, upstrand_ranges)
##   A DNAStringSet instance of length 6692
##        width seq                                       names               
##    [1]    10 ACGCTAACAA                                YAL069W
##    [2]    10 TCACATCATT                                YAL068W-A
##    [3]    10 GAATGTGGGA                                YAL067W-A
##    [4]    10 AAGCACCATC                                YAL066W
##    [5]    10 CGTCGAAACA                                YAL064W-B
##    ...   ... ...
## [6688]    10 TTATTTATTA                                Q0182
## [6689]    10 ATTTATTAAA                                Q0250
## [6690]    10 AATTTTTGGA                                Q0255
## [6691]    10 CAATAAATTT                                Q0275
## [6692]    10 AATAAATAAT                                Q0297
letter_counts <- consensusMatrix(upstrand_seq)
probs <- prop.table(letter_counts[1:4,], 2)

seqLogo(probs, ic.scale=FALSE)


# We may also be interested in k-mer frequencies
colSums( oligonucleotideFrequency(upstrand_seq, 2) )
##    AA    AC    AG    AT    CA    CC    CG    CT    GA    GC    GG    GT 
## 10308  4067  4450  5359  4993  1703  1610  2454  3653  2079  1657  2468 
##    TA    TC    TG    TT 
##  5687  2919  2205  4616
## R version 3.3.3 (2017-03-06)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin16.4.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS Sierra 10.12.4
## locale:
## [1] en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8/C/en_AU.UTF-8/en_AU.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
##  [1] grid      parallel  stats4    methods   stats     graphics  grDevices
##  [8] utils     datasets  base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] seqLogo_1.40.0                             
##  [2] TxDb.Scerevisiae.UCSC.sacCer3.sgdGene_3.2.2
##  [3] GenomicFeatures_1.26.4                     
##  [4] AnnotationDbi_1.36.2                       
##  [5] Biobase_2.34.0                             
##  [6] BSgenome.Scerevisiae.UCSC.sacCer3_1.4.0    
##  [7] BSgenome_1.42.0                            
##  [8] rtracklayer_1.34.2                         
##  [9] Biostrings_2.42.1                          
## [10] XVector_0.14.1                             
## [11] GenomicRanges_1.26.4                       
## [12] GenomeInfoDb_1.10.3                        
## [13] IRanges_2.8.2                              
## [14] S4Vectors_0.12.2                           
## [15] BiocGenerics_0.20.0                        
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] Rcpp_0.12.10               knitr_1.15.1              
##  [3] magrittr_1.5               GenomicAlignments_1.10.1  
##  [5] zlibbioc_1.20.0            BiocParallel_1.8.2        
##  [7] lattice_0.20-34            stringr_1.2.0             
##  [9] tools_3.3.3                SummarizedExperiment_1.4.0
## [11] DBI_0.6-1                  htmltools_0.3.5           
## [13] yaml_2.1.14                rprojroot_1.2             
## [15] digest_0.6.12              Matrix_1.2-8              
## [17] bitops_1.0-6               biomaRt_2.30.0            
## [19] RCurl_1.95-4.8             memoise_1.0.0             
## [21] RSQLite_1.1-2              evaluate_0.10             
## [23] rmarkdown_1.4              stringi_1.1.5             
## [25] backports_1.0.5            Rsamtools_1.26.2          
## [27] XML_3.98-1.7