9 Versioning

We now have at least something for all of the major parts of our package. Whenever you reach a milestone like this it is good to update the package version. Having a good versioning system is important when it comes to things like solving user issues. Version information is recorded in the DESCRIPTION file. This is what we have at the moment.


This version number follows the format major.minor.patch.dev. The different parts of the version represent different things:

  • major - A significant change to the package that would be expected to break users code. This is updated very rarely when the package has been redesigned in some way.
  • minor - A minor version update means that new functionality has been added to the package. It might be new functions to improvements to existing functions that are compatible with most existing code.
  • patch - Patch updates are bug fixes. They solve existing issues but don’t do anything new.
  • dev - Dev versions are used during development and this part is missing from release versions. For example you might use a dev version when you give someone a beta version to test. A package with a dev version can be expected to change rapidly or have undiscovered issues.

Now that we know how this system works let’s increase our package version.

Current version is
Which part to increment? (0 to exit) 

1: major --> 1.0.0
2: minor --> 0.1.0
3: patch --> 0.0.1
4:   dev -->


The prompt asks us which part of the version we want to increment. We have added some new functions so let’s make a new minor version.

Selection: 2
✔ Setting Version field in DESCRIPTION to '0.1.0'

Whenever we update the package version we should record what changes have been made. We do this is a NEWS.md file.

✔ Writing 'NEWS.md'
● Modify 'NEWS.md'

Modify the file to record what we have done during the workshop.

# mypkg 0.1.0

* Created the package
* Added the `make_shades()` function
* Added the `plot_colours()` function
* Added a vignette